Revisiting Past Hurricanes in Puerto Rico

In the midst of hurricane season, one can easily become overwhelmed with worry and anxiety thinking about the catastrophic effects of tropical storms. Media and news outlets during these times try to keep the public on alert and express what kind of preventative measures people should take in order to avoid any major harms orContinue reading Revisiting Past Hurricanes in Puerto Rico

New Blog Contributor: Katiana Bagué

We’re happy to announce that we have a new contributor to our blog. Katiana is going to focus on blogs related to our Puerto Rico content, which we plan to release periodically. Without further ado, we’ll let Katiana introduce herself!   My name is Katiana Bagué and I am a Puerto Rican-American, currently in Florida.Continue reading New Blog Contributor: Katiana Bagué

Memorial Days in early 20th Century Florida

Memorial Day means different things to different people. For many, it is the unofficial start to the summer season filled with grilling and celebration. For others, it is a day to solemnly reflect on the sacrifices made by those fighting in the Armed Forces. The holiday, which emerged during the Civil War, reflects the needs,Continue reading Memorial Days in early 20th Century Florida

Historical Holiday Cheer- The St. Nicholas Girl

Most people are familiar with Santa Claus, but do you know about his chipper young helper the St. Nicholas Girl? Anyone searching for Christmas content in Florida Chronicling America newspapers is sure to come across stories about the figure, or occasionally figures, who worked tirelessly leading up to Christmas to collect donations in order toContinue reading Historical Holiday Cheer- The St. Nicholas Girl

Announcement: Florida Phase 3 Titles

We know you’ve been patiently waiting for updates, so without any further ado, here’s the complete list of Florida titles we’ll be digitizing over the next two years in no particular order: Lakeland Evening Telegram 1921-1922 Key West Citizen 1926, 1932-34, 1936-41, 1943, 1949 Weekly Floridian (Tallahassee) 1872-1893 Florida Agriculturist (DeLand) 1878-1899 Keep an eyeContinue reading Announcement: Florida Phase 3 Titles

Grayven Images: Confederate Monuments and Power of the Lost Cause in Florida

Today we bring you a guest post by R. Boyd Murphree, Project Manager, Florida Family and Community History, Digital Services and Shared Collections, University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries. He can be contacted at and is also on Twitter @boyd_murphree. On May 3, 1901, fire consumed Jacksonville, destroying the heart of the cityContinue reading Grayven Images: Confederate Monuments and Power of the Lost Cause in Florida

May Mann Jennings & the Creation of Royal Palm State Park

On this blog we’ve looked at a few issues related to how events associated with the American Conservation movement, including the founding of the National Park Service and the establishment of the first National Wildlife Refuge on Pelican Island, were covered in our digitized newspapers. Today, we’ll look at the efforts in Florida, spearheaded byContinue reading May Mann Jennings & the Creation of Royal Palm State Park