Phase 6 begins!

UF Libraries awarded additional funding from NEH to digitize and provide access to historic newspapers  The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida received a grant award from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to expand their newspaper digitization efforts and continue participating in the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). This isContinue reading Phase 6 begins!

We’re moving to Phase 5!

August 17, 2021 UF Libraries awarded additional funding from NEH to digitize and provide access to historic newspapers The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida received a grant award from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to expand their newspaper digitization efforts and continue participating in the National Digital Newspaper ProgramContinue reading We’re moving to Phase 5!

When it was Over Over There: Florida Soldiers and the End of World War I

Today we bring you a guest post by R. Boyd Murphree, Project Manager, Florida Family and Community History, Digital Services and Shared Collections, University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries. He can be contacted at and is also on Twitter @boyd_murphree. November 11, 1918, the last day of World War I, was anything butContinue reading When it was Over Over There: Florida Soldiers and the End of World War I

Our Man in Havana: Governor William Sherman Jennings and the Inauguration of Cuban Independence

Today we bring you a guest post by R. Boyd Murphree, Project Manager, Florida Family and Community History, Digital Services and Shared Collections, University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries. He can be contacted at and is also on Twitter @boyd_murphree. The reestablishment of formal diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba inContinue reading Our Man in Havana: Governor William Sherman Jennings and the Inauguration of Cuban Independence

The Buckman Act and the Consolidation of Florida Universities

Few things shaped the long history of the University of Florida like the signing of the Buckman Act on June 5, 1905. The legislation, authored by Congressman Henry H. Buckman, consolidated the numerous (white) public colleges and seminaries in the state into the University of Florida and Florida Female College (now Florida State University) asContinue reading The Buckman Act and the Consolidation of Florida Universities

The Juicy History of Florida Citrus in the News

While Florida newspapers certainly cover history-making moments, they also serve as a chronicle of the economic and social issues facing readers at the time of publication. Within the pages of papers included in the FPRDNP, few topics are as pervasive as the state’s iconic citrus industry. It may be unsurprising that citrus news dominates aContinue reading The Juicy History of Florida Citrus in the News


Welcome! The Florida and Puerto Rico Digital Newspaper Project(FPRDNP) is a collaboration between the University of Florida Smathers Libraries and the library at the University of Puerto Rico– Rio Piedras, as part of the state and territory’s involvement in the NDNP. The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), a partnership between the National Endowment for Humanities (NEH) and the LibraryContinue reading Introduction